Friday, June 22, 2012

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Bank peer transfers, immediately to my brother is now K teller machines in the city of waiting queries money on account, and then will call to report to me in the car, aimed the gun at you, if you dare playing the slightest pattern, I'll smash your head! less money one point, I smash your head! my other not quite accurate marksmanship.
the glass doors of the automatic teller machines, skilled teller machines operate.
He Jinrong operating side, the side teeth, cursed in their hearts: I take off the body, you son of a bitch dead, I do not surnamed Ho! To you Shaniao, are now real-name system account, you gave me the account, tomorrow by the banks to trace, you can lock you, you're dead you recorded the sound so what, I have plenty of ways to kill you, so that your plan all wasted!
Curse but owned by the curse, He Jinrong honestly send your money to that account. Natural dream or guess, it is a the Fang Wenjing family fund-raising account,Thunder Jerseys, once the money remitted in the past, in legal terms, is a gift , If you can not find to be forced to transfer, it never quite caught back.
The more money the more people fear death, Actually, I'm wrong with this sentence. A poor man, in order to 20 million head tuck in his trousers up their lives because of this wealth for him, it means a lifetime of happiness. a net worth of millions or even tens of millions of people, you use two hundred thousand to buy his finger, he will never dry. values, popular point that is more the money, the more that own valuable. He Jinrong, is that the people of their own lives valuable, so he will not take risks to escape, as he thinks is stupid. since the money can be solved, why should their lives to gambling?
It took a while, He Jinrong are finished, just out of the glass door, a middle-aged to get money just like he was greeted by: mlb took the slip and heart loose mouth of the atmosphere, and quickly waved his hand and using a towel wrapped gun,LeBron James Jerseys, so that He Jinrong car.
The He Jinrong helpless to drive back to open, open a good while before they open to the police car parked. He Jinrong loaded with speed to slow down, be prepared to stop, real M1b shouted: I forgot something. He Jinrong opened one hundred meters, stop their cars.
mlb face suddenly sank out of the gun from the towel, top He Jinrong the right temple, Yi Zizi asked

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