Saturday, September 1, 2012

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The attention of the various units, the enemy has been into the vat, all preparing to attack. Now countdown, ten, nine, eight ... two, one, attack! Woo - woo - woo door kinds of artillery proudly Qi roar, a good distance from the tank gun has long been measured beforehand, he kept the enemy cavalry pile Meng suddenly, days in shake, flutter, the world seems to be cracked, dolphin shells a Unit lasing fountain on the ground seems to have suddenly emerging like flowers and sand flew up into the mid-air explosion in the enemy base.
At the same time, the gourd Valley on both sides of the hills and cliffs, instant Jumping a blue sea. The third a tri-service and Yasha division soldiers have jumped hidden fortifications, condescending with heavy machine crossbow, Emergency crossbow Mengsao like hunting group stormed stampeding beast.
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Hurried retreat, and only the enemy but also to remain calm is the third ninety-one Army three Division Commander SHANXI AGRICULTURAL troops are under fire, he immediately led the the immediate three thousand elite cavalry surprise attack towards the enemy artillery positions over SHANXI AGRICULTURAL believe, provided intensive long-range weapons at the inevitable defense is weak, the assault the Group could not withstand the cavalry., he led three thousand cavalry, led the entire battlefield was not in the area covered by gunfire, all cavalry Fanran wake up to reality, death-defying followed up toward the northeast face of the hillside.
Quiet cool at periscope I looked at this scene, the mouth can not help but escape the touch of a ruthless smile, the moment in front of the walkie-talkie severely authentic: 500 steps to say. , the only way to capture it to escape from the threat of death. Unfortunately, this desire too good, while waiting for their most brutal reality.
Step one thousand nine hundred paces, eight hundred steps ... five hundred steps, four hundred paces ... Just when they thought to see the dawn of victory, jade spine woodlands suddenly came the continuous waves of popcorn-like sound. twinkling of an eye with light machine guns, tanks and armored vehicles on fire together, like an iron broom mercilessly mowed down the enemy, that the muzzle Breath red flames, bullets hit like torrential rain generally , criss-cross over a field airtight Huowang.
Heavy fighting, gorgeous spark in the smoke swirling in the bright red blood spraying in advance stump broken body fall from the sky in mid-air eddies ... the blood boiling in my whole body is more intense, and I simply drilled cabin door, two parallel machine gun rack to the turret above, bursts violently toward lower slope. machine guns severe earthquake Chanzhuo sparkling shells flying around like a grasshopper-like

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